Oxfam TrailwalkerThis weekend, 17th – 19th of June was the Oxfam Trailwalker event, and this gave me the opportunity to tick of a goal on my 101 things list.

Oxfam Trailwalker is a challenging event that changes lives, including the people that participate. Oxfam Trailwalker Brisbane sees teams walking 100km or 60km through the beautiful D’Aguilar National Park.

I have completed this event twice, and it is the event that allowed me to tick off my “Walk 100km” goal, it’s a great privilege to be able to see it from the other side, and help to cheer and support the people participating.

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I was given two shifts for this, one on Saturday morning from 8am – 2pm, and one on Sunday 1:30am to 7am (this was a struggle).

#otwb #oxfamtrailwalker #oxfam #otwb2016

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Oxfam Trail Marshal Jedi standing by #otwb #otwb2016 #volunteer #jedi #oxfamjedi #lightsaber

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